Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jesus came to tear down the dividing wall of enmity


Deacon Kevin Gingras

July 21, 2024

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jer 23:1-6     Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6

Eph 2:13-18    Mk 6:30-34

In today’s Gospel, the apostles have just returned after Jesus sent them out two by two with nothing but one set of clothes and a walking stick. They have reported to Jesus all that they had done and taught. We didn’t hear this story last Sunday but they also had just received news of John the Baptist’s execution.

The disciples were tired, dusty, smelly, saddened by the bad news, and just needed a break.  We all have those moments when the burdens of life overwhelm us and make us tired as we deal with that one more thing.  Jesus was aware of that tiredness.  

He said to the Apostles, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat.

Jesus was taking them on a mini-retreat!  Or at least trying to since the crowd follows them and even beats them to their destination.  This will soon lead up to one of the two miraculous feedings in the Gospel of Mark.  The feeding of the five thousand.  More on that in a bit.

Now Fr. Matt homilized about Lectio Divina a couple of weeks back, how we should read, reflect, respond, and rest with Scripture.  I practice Lectio a lot, especially when preparing my sermon.  This week, while praying with the readings, the one clear takeaway for me is that Jesus came to unite all of mankind, to create one flock, and remove all things that divide.

Let’s get into that! There is a hidden meaning in the two feedings in the Gospel of Mark. The first is Mark 6 - feeding of the 5 thousand - this is where they had 12 wicker baskets full of leftover food.  The leftover number is important. It represents the 12 tribes of Israel, the Jewish people.  This feeding happened near Bethsaida, near the Sea of Galilee a Jewish region.  Jesus is the new Moses feeding the Israelites the new bread of life, the first group of people.

The second miraculous feeding is in Mark 8 where Jesus feeds four-thousand and has seven wicker baskets of leftovers.  Seven represents the Gentile towns that would convert. This feeding takes place in the region around the Decapolis - Gentile territory; the second group of people.

Acts 13:17-19 speaks of them:

The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors and exalted the people during their sojourn in the land of Egypt. With uplifted arm, he led them out of it, and for about forty years he put up with them in the desert. When he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance

Acts refers to the seven Gentile nations the Israelites took over and settled in way back in Exodus.  This was a time when the was a major division between the Gentiles and the Jews.

Our second reading today is all about getting the Gentiles and the Jews to be of one faith now that Jesus has come.

Ephesians 2:13-14

But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh

“Made both one” is a direct reference to the Jews and the Gentiles. The dividing wall St. Paul speaks of refers to the actual architecture of the Jerusalem Temple, which had a physical wall separating the outer court, accessible to Gentiles, from the inner courts, only permissible for Jews.  There would even be signs posted on the outer walls warning the Gentiles that if they dared pass into the inner courts they would be trespassing and could face the death penalty!

Jesus did not come to earth and die for us to tear apart our world, our country, our church, and our families.  No, he came to unite us, to unite us through the bread of life, the Eucharist he has given us.

There are so many things dividing us all right now:

  • Democrat vs. Republican
  • Some families are divided by a tragedy or a misunderstanding
  • We can be divided at work or school
  • Some arguments divide us with our friends, even our good friends
  • How we choose to worship in the Catholic Church even divides us
  • The list could go on and on…

Again, in honor of the month of the Precious Blood of Jesus, we will have an intinction station so that you may receive the body AND the precious blood of Christ.  If you wish to receive in this manner come to the left side where Fr. Matt will be and fold your hands as if praying.  That will signal you wish to receive both the body and the blood.  You need to receive on the tongue.  While you receive pray about the divisions that are causing you stress and tension in your life and your relationships.  Bring them to Jesus in the Eucharist.  Bring them to the foot of the cross. Ask Jesus for healing and peace of these divisions.  Jesus has broad shoulders and can handle these things with you!

Pope Francis says it well:

Unity is, above all, a gift; it is a grace to be requested through prayer

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